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24/7 Secure CCTV Monitoring Services for a Leading Chain of Restaurants

Call Center Services

The Customer's Business Requisite

We were approached by a popular restaurant chain with multiple outlets located in the US as well as UK. The client was currently encountering regular problems with their current CCTV monitoring services. Therefore, they were on the lookout for a more competent service provider for real-time CCTV monitoring of all their property premises.

The Project Challenges

During the course of the project, our team of experts had to overcome the following challenges -

  • The client's current onsite and in-house support was not in sync with their CCTV monitoring platforms. To make matters worse, the existing support team was not skilled in the CCTV monitoring and surveillance domain
  • The existing CCTV surveillance service could not cover each and every camera placed at multiple outlets of the restaurant chain
  • The operating system had to be modified to function well with multiple platforms
  • Our team had to work on this project from Monday to Sunday and between 9 AM to 11 PM (US and UK time zone)
  • We were required to ensure quick reaction to alarms from the restaurant's monitoring staff via guard calls and public address systems
  • The current CCTV system was poorly functioning and needed immediate attention. The footage could only be viewed and not recorded. Security alerts were often missed and at times even delayed. The in-house team found it difficult to respond to these alerts
  • The customer required quick, accurate and timely reports from the CCTV monitoring service

O2I's Winning Solution

To meet the requirements of the customer, our team devised the following winning solution -

  • We offered the customer round-the-clock support to suit different (US and UK) timings. This included ramping up the support time span from 6 A.M to 11:59 P.M. We also made provisions for multiple shift manning, which included an 18 hours window, along with three shifts and WFM
  • Our team successfully covered multiple time zones in which the customer's chain of restaurants operated
  • Since the customer's CCTV monitoring system was spread across multiple software platforms, we streamlined them into a single operating system. We also ensured the OS received regular upgrades
  • Our experts built a high-end surveillance recording system, which included secure and efficient playback and archiving functions
  • We created an operational order and other process documents which could easily be followed by the client's in-house teams
  • Improvements to the CCTV system was constantly made along with process enhancements
  • We customized the client's current security systems and linked them with multiple software systems. This facilitated better crisis management and employee identification
  • During peak periods, the team at Outsource2india extended their support to a period of 24 hours, so to successfully address the requirements of the customer

Project Achievements

At the completion of the project, our customer was extremely satisfied with the results. Some of the high-points from our successful project execution include -

  • All restaurant premises were carefully monitored at all time of the day
  • We provided real-time protection for the property and personnel even during closed hours
  • Our team extensively reviewed the compliance of safety and health practices and then verified the same with the staff in real-time
  • We provided a system, wherein the management team could be notified to view the premises and could immediately log on to the security system at any given time (day or night hours)
  • The customer was able to reduce the rising costs of their security personnel by using an RVR system, which was available on a 24/7 basis

All of the above targets were achieved within a month's time. Apart from just meeting the basic requirements of the customer, we also resolved several other product and performance related issues that the customer was facing. At the close of the project, our winning solution was able to significantly augment the company's overall level of productivity.

Outsource CCTV Monitoring Services to Outsource2india

At Outsource2india, our CCTV monitoring services drastically improve the security of your premises; ensuring any and all causes for an alarm are instantly identified. Our team of experts can successfully resolve any problems that you might be facing and provide you with a superior solution that will not only enable you to minimize cost, but will also increase your productivity and profitability level.

Get in touch with us right now to outsource cost-effective CCTV monitoring services.

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  • Movement Mortgage
  • Alcon
  • ARI
  • Maximus
  • Redwood E-Learning Systems

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