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9 Digital Transformation Trends That Have Changed the Customer Experience Forever

9 Digital Transformation Trends That Have Changed the Customer Experience Forever

Digital technology is driving significant changes in society. The use of digital technology is so widespread that there are places where people don't have running water but own a smartphone that is connected to the internet. In such a scenario where everyone is "connected" all the time, digital marketing can have an incredible influence on how people interact, work, buy, and spend their lives.

With the widespread adoption of digital technology, companies need to get a firm handle on how best to leverage the digital world to maximize their brand awareness and impact. As the world moves toward increasingly more digital delivery and experience, and customers expect personalized interactions with brands, the key to delivering better customer experience lies in how well firms undertake digital transformation. In this article, we look at 9 digital transformation trends that have changed the customer experience forever.

9 Ways in Which Digital Transformation Enhance Customer Experiences

Customer experience and satisfaction have been altered with the advent of digital transformation. The top digital transformation trends have had a lasting impact on how users consume content in the digital world. If you want to learn about how digital transformation trends have changed the customer experience, read on.

  1. Customer Experience Becomes the Main Driver of Digital Transformation

    Customer Experience Becomes the Main Driver of Digital Transformation

    Enhancing the customer experience is increasingly being seen by brands as one of the best ways to attract and retain customers. Brands now realize that consumers want highly personalized experiences. Research has shown that about 75% of consumers are more likely to buy from a company that knows their name and purchase history. Recommending items based on the consumer's purchase history is also a great way to boost sales and increase conversions. Companies are now increasingly turning to big data analytics to draw insights into their customers and to provide them with the best and most personalized user experience.

  2. Chatbots Have Become More Prevalent

    Chatbots Have Become More Prevalent

    Chatbots that are carefully designed and developed can become so much more than just customer service tools. Chatbots are now increasingly being used by companies as part of their sales and marketing efforts. Companies are now looking to enhance customer experience with digital transformation and chatbots are increasingly becoming a part of this equation. With the integration of chatbots on social media channels, brands can now directly respond to consumers. Chatbots have two inherent qualities that make them effective tools at enhancing customer satisfaction; these are speed and accessibility. AI can also be used to handle more queries than humans and provide answers almost instantly.

  3. Consumers Want to Have the Best Option Immediately

    Consumers Want to Have the Best Option Immediately

    Social media brings a level of hyper-connectivity that is unprecedented. The rise of social media has also given rise to a new set of expectations for the public. People can now be connected with just a click of a button. The perception of what is "fast" has also changed since digital transformation has made information that was previously inaccessible now almost instantaneously accessible. The average attention paid to any given website is now about 15 seconds and making the most out of this time is crucial for businesses to succeed. Entire industries have been disrupted for failing to meet the instantaneous demand of consumers, including the hotel and travel industry with upstarts like Uber and Airbnb.

  4. A Decrease in Brand Loyalty

    A Decrease in Brand Loyalty

    Brand loyalty is seeing decreased adoption among today's consumers, who now base their buying decisions solely on the end-user experience. While previous generations bought products and services based on brand loyalty, which was a tried and tested process, today's consumers now have a widespread internet that provides them with a very wide variety of options to choose from, and all with the click of a button. The age of the average customer is also much younger than before. Banks are now being forced to increasingly adopt digital transformation since consumers today are more likely to leave a bank and choose a better one solely based on the customer experience strategy and experience.

  5. Need for Transparency in Advertising and Marketing

    Need for Transparency in Advertising and Marketing

    When it comes to customer experience management with digital transformation, being transparent with consumers has become one of the most important customer experience trends. Consumers value transparency highly, especially when it comes to advertising, pricing, practices, etc. Being transparent has enabled companies to build and maintain trust with their consumers. One of the ways to be transparent with consumers is by making sure consumers know what data is being collected on them through various channels. A good customer experience strategy is to be GDPR compliant to show consumers that you care about your customers' rights.

  6. Data Analytics Helps to Personalize the Customer Experience

    Data Analytics Helps to Personalize the Customer Experience

    Modern technology is making it possible for firms to obtain a tremendous amount of data on their customers. However, there is a pressing need to be able to analyze this data to make better business decisions. One of the ways to make the most out of this data is to know which metrics are most important to ensure business success. Another is to know which customer channels to focus on to enhance the user experience. Enhancing customer experience with digital transformation also requires that companies have employees with the ability to process huge datasets to create more personalized and customer-focused data.

  7. More Focused Marketing Strategies

    More Focused Marketing Strategies

    There is so much data being generated in the digital universe and much of it is being distributed via social media and messaging apps. Every minute, 3.3 million people post a message on Facebook and over 29 million messages are distributed over WhatsApp. With so much information going around, it is not easy to capture the attention of your customers. Marketers now have to work harder than ever to get their brand and message noticed by their customers. An example of a classic brand that has used focused marketing strategies to enhance user experience is Rolex, who has created high-quality and appealing images that highlight the classic and timeless nature of its products.

  8. Brands Have Become More "Human"

    Brands Have Become More Human

    In this day and age, with the proliferation of AI and chatbots, it is more important than ever to maintain a human touch to enhance customer experience & digital transformation. Social media marketing has become front and center of many companies' marketing strategies due to its popularity and influence. Apple is one company that is using strategic marketing to ensure that brand awareness is ubiquitous among its users, so much so that the company has millions of loyal customers supporting their products even before they are launched.

  9. Rapidly Changing Digital Technology is Causing the Need to Adapt Quickly

    Rapidly Changing Digital Technology is Causing the Need to Adapt Quickly

    Digital technology is changing at a tremendously fast pace and sometimes even overnight. The pace of change is relentless and companies have begun requiring employees to become more agile, work collaboratively, and keep up to date with new developments so that the organization as a whole can better make use of opportunities generated with the fast pace of change. Companies are now investing in providing continuing education and training as and when employees need it. It has become imperative to continually upskill a workforce in the use of the latest and most relevant technologies to provide a more seamless and enhanced customer experience.


Given the tremendous competition in the digital universe to capture consumers' attention and loyalty, if a brand wants to be successful both now and shortly, they will have to undertake digital transformation to enhance the customer experience. Companies will also need to keep abreast of evolving technology and invest in digital talent that can understand how best to provide an enhanced customer journey by leveraging large datasets. Those that adopt and adapt will certainly leave the competition behind.

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