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Can Brand and Culture Impact Customer Experiences?

Can Brand and Culture Impact Customer Experiences?

Customers are warming up to brands that value user experiences; but how deep does customer-centric approach have an influence on consumers? Read ahead to know

Everything a brand does - the way it markets, advertises and more - has a huge impact on the customer experience it aspires to deliver. So, being customer-centric in all aspects of a brands functioning can help in delivering great customer experiences. This calls for a brand strategy and a brand culture - that essentially revolves around the customer.

A recent study on customer experience trends among brands shows that 93 percent of companies regard the customer experience as their top strategic priority. In the same survey, 75 percent of the brands said that they wanted to leverage customer experience to stand apart. This, when compared, with a survey on customer experience from consumers' perspective throws up conflicting conclusions. Only 37% of consumers believed that brands were consumer focused. This disconnect between brands and consumers reveal that brands are not doing enough to align with customer's expectations. Without the competition becoming fierce, much is to be done to keep customers under the fold.

There may be many reasons for this failure, but the commonest and most overlooked reason is a brand's inability to develop a culture that can be aligned with customer experience. Only when a brand's purpose and values are breathed across, the sales barriers will cease to exist. Let's have a look at how brands can impact customer experience.

How Does Brand and Culture Change Customer Experience?

There are numerous ways in which brand effect on customer experience (CX) is at play. Read ahead as we cover the most important aspects of customer care that will help you beat the competition and corner the market more aggressively.

  • A Brand Culture Based on Employee Care Inspires Customer Care

    A Brand Culture Based on Employee Care Inspires Customer Care

    For customer experience and care to go hand in hand, brands must make the beginning at home. Brands must cultivate the culture of caring for its employees to send a positive message across to their customers. To ensure this, brands must live by what they profess to their employees which will inspire them to go the extra mile to make your customers realize they are being valued. The motivated agents will make an honest effort to walk in the customer's shoes and understand their concerns. This will help avoid arguments and become more empathetic towards the customer.

    In the case of discontent customers, their challenges will be empathetically handled by agents whose efforts are sincerely recognized and appreciated by brands. Building a culture of pleasant surprises for employees can help you deliver pleasant surprises to your customers in the way you want them to be delivered. Develop a sense of employee appreciation and your employees will, in turn, value your customers in a passionate way. They will go out of their way to please customers with partially fulfilled expectations. However small these things are it should not be overlooked at any costs. Inculcating employee care can reflect your brand's ability to make customers feel valued at every stage.

  • A Genuine Employee Culture Delivers Real Customer Experience

    Genuine Employee Culture Delivers Real Customer Experience

    Foster a culture that is genuine and less artificial. It is among the proven ways in which culture and brand effect customer experience. Employees want things to be real and appreciate genuineness. A content employee will strive to be genuine during interactions with your customer. When communication within your organization is not siloed and you value the freedom of speech within acceptable limits, it is possible to encourage your agents to avoid scripted conversations with customers. Employees then realize the importance of having a personalized interaction to meet customer' need.

    And when this happens, customers feel you are not resorting to the standard one-size-fits-all approach and instead have something real to offer. To ensure this, you need to take care of two things: first, give agents the freedom to rise above the script followed by building a customer-centric vision. Tie your vision to customer conveniences such as giving round-the-clock customer service or multiple channels for engagement such as a social media, website, text or telephone.

    Train your agents to make spur-of-the-moment decisions by empathetically and courteously acknowledging the client problems. Added to this, always strive to analyze employee hardships from multiple perspectives. This will encourage them to think about your customer's problem in a similar fashion. Only when your agents try to gain a complete picture of customer issues it becomes easier for you to deliver a wholesome customer experience.

  • A Culture that Makes Employees Understand their Messaging First Succeeds in Making Customers Understand their Message

    Culture that Makes Employees Understand their Messaging First

    Marketing firm Aberdeen says 67% of top-notch companies have a clear brand message - a compact statement that encapsulates what it stands for, why it matters, and how it is different from others. It carries the punch to make the target audience to sit up, think, and get influenced by it. But how do they ensure this? By taking their employees into confidence. Good brand messages must be created with an all-inclusive approach. Your employees need to be acquainted with it first so that they feel it before they send the message to the world. When your employees know that your message stands for something different from your competitors; they would feel inspired and confident in echoing the message. And when this happens, it strikes the right chord with the audience.

    While messaging is important, it is also important to make it consistent across all modes of communication. This means the brand's elevator pitch, marketing materials such as websites, presentations, brochures, etc., introductory statement in a phone call; slogans for events; press release and mission statement must all resonate in the same way. With consistent brand messaging it is possible to unite your team under one mission statement and communicate your value proposition in one voice. This creates the right market impression and speeds up the sales process. Brand stories that are in line with the brand positioning statements inspire customers to look forward to a good experience.

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    Outsource2india presents one-of-its-kind and user friendly FREE Online Call Center Staffing Calculator. We have tried to make this calculator, concise, easy-to-use, and informative. It helps you calculate your call center outsourcing cost with least possible inputs. Hope this Call Center Staffing Calculator met your requirements and gave you an efficient experience and result. In case you need more information about our Call Center Staffing Calculator, please refer to our user guideUser Guide

  • Your Employees Need the Human Touch to Deliver Human Touch

    Your Employees Need the Human Touch to Deliver Human Touch

    Brand's life is wholly dependent on employee behavior and customer connection. Employees must hone interpersonal skills to establish a better connection with customers. This is because like begets like. When employees unambiguously visualize and understand the technical specifications of the service and products, it would be easier to interact with customers with a human touch. This means your employees won't sound like a robot while explaining technical information. Rather they would sell your product in their own natural state i.e. the way they interact in their personal life. This helps you connect with the customer the way the customer wants.

    Just as having the right tone matters, using the right means -- with a human touch -- creates great customer experiences. If stories are a part of your voice, make sure it has the human touch to relate to your customers. Your story must be couched in emotion and must address your target audience's pain point. Give your customers a workable and simple solution and they will lap it up. Make it exciting and contrasting so that they remain hooked till the end. The outcome of such an effort would be not just a story that connects but also one that leaves a long-lasting impression. And the best way to create such a story is to brainstorm and think out-of-the-box. Your competitor's story may serve as an inspiration, but make sure it's no way close to theirs.

  • Integrate HR and Marketing to Make Internal Culture Influence External Culture

    Integrate HR Marketing to Make Internal Culture Influence External Culture

    Great customer experience begins with satisfied employees. In fact, a recent report on employee satisfaction says a 5 percent increase in employee engagement can trigger a 3 percent jump in revenue and entail 10 times higher customer satisfaction. Therefore, most brands must first try to set their house in order. This helps in designing employee experiences in a way that directly impacts customer experience. A good way is to start by mapping known pain or opportunities for improvement in the employee lifecycle. These pain points or opportunities could be crisis situations that undermine or strengthen an employee's advocacy for the company. Once you take steps to strengthen an employee's faith you will be able to see enhanced levels of productivity and creativity. And a proven way of doing this is by integrating the HR and marketing functions.

    The HR department is responsible for taking care of its human resources. It connects with employees during training sessions, evaluations, and employee orientations. Each of these meetings is leveraged to share the brand message created by the marketing team. The marketing department will help the HR department to imbibe the communication style of the brand as marketing employees have experience in communicating with consumers. Also, the HR team can leverage the marketing team's connections with consumers to promote brand vision and values. This will help them attract potential employees.

    All the above points show that the future of customer experience largely depends on how aptly you define your brand and live up to the definition.

Our Call Center Portfolio

Outsource2india - A Trustworthy Call Center Outsourcing Vendor

Outsource2india is a pioneer in providing inbound and outbound call center service to its global clients and leverages its experience assist you to understand how brand and culture change the customer experience. We adopt your brand culture and combine it with best call center practices, including sharp engagement models to your customers a customer experience that lives up to the expectation promised by your brand. We interact with your customers only after we gain a complete understanding of your brand culture. After imbibing your culture, we provide personalized experiences to your customers. We provide all of this while ensuring you have direct control over all your specific requirements. Other services in which we specialize in include chat support, email support, telemarketing, technical support, etc.

Get in touch with us to understand the latest trends in customer experience and make your brand culture a part of the customer experience you want to deliver.

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