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O2I Provided Quality Assurance Services to Montreal-based IT Company by Testing 130 Websites Across 4 Different Browsers

Case Study on Quality Assurance Services to IT Company

The Client

The client is a top Montreal-based IT company. They are well known in the circles of online media and entertainment industry at a global level because they have been a reliable provider of digital distribution tools. They have also kept their clientele happy with innovative solutions in the development of marketing. The client offers specialized services such as analytics, marketing, support, as well as the design and development of online media and entertainment websites.

Client's Requirement & Challenges

The client wanted a dedicated quality assurance service provider who could assist them by testing 130 websites (E-books & E-music) across 4 dissimilar web browsers. The detailed requirement of the client was as follows -

  • The client wanted to be doubly sure that their websites and web applications can cater to a large and diverse audience
  • The client wanted us to carry out security testing to ensure that their website was free from vulnerabilities that may leave its functionality and users exposed to security threats
  • The client was specific about the reliability of their web application and website. So that it works as expected when situations and environments change

The challenge of this project was that the website testing had to be completed within a short turnaround time.

Our Solution

Being an ISO certified software testing outsourcing company which caters across enterprises, we have perfected our quality assurance services over many years to make web applications and mobile applications more responsive and secure. In the case of Montreal client's project, we used several standard browsers and operating systems to carry out following tests on 130 websites -

  1. Smoke Testing - To establish the stability of the web application while running further tests we performed smoke testing
  2. Functional Testing - To check if the website was functional and compatible with various operating systems we performed functional testing via devices existing in the market
  3. Exploratory Testing - To find any hidden flaws in the application as well as to observe the flow of application we conducted exploratory testing
  4. Broken Link Testing - To identify broken links (if any) across websites, we ran the Deadlinkchecker tool
  5. Performance Testing - We performed a series of subtests as part of performance testing to evaluate website performance for a variety of parameters. The subtests were as follows -
    • To understand the redirection of URL and pages we used HeadMasterSeo
    • We checked the response time of each website by using Urilor online tool
    • We used cross-browser testing tool to run tests on different browsers and operating system to evaluate website performance
  6. End-to-end Testing - We performed end-to-end testing to evaluate data flow between web pages
  7. Compatibility Testing - We checked the website functionality through different browsers and operating systems

The Result

With the completion of this project, the client was left feeling satisfied and euphoric because the reports we furnished allowed them to optimize their website to make it more performance-oriented and user focussed. Here are more highlights from the project -

  • We successfully ran test scenarios on all 130 websites and extracted data into reports and furnished the same on a daily and weekly basis. We also ensured that all the scheduled tasks were completed with high quality
  • We made sure our testing services met the client's test plan and provided results which included defect reporting by categorizing the defect types
  • We explicitly indicated the steps involved in reproducing defects backed by screenshots and videos
  • The client received defect reporting and execution status with graphs on a weekly basis

Here is a snapshot of the testing report -

No. of Scenarios
No. of Websites
130 (eBook and e-music Websites)
No. of Defects Reported
No. of Browsers
4 (IE 11, Microsoft Edge, Chrome 63, Firefox 47)

Outsource Quality Assurance Services to O2I - Leader in Software Testing

Outsource2india is backed by 26 years of experience in software testing services. We have an energetic team of qualified testers who are well-experienced and have over 10 years of hands-on experience running tests for small and big projects. We have the best infrastructure where your requirements are handled with care and precision. Our cost-effective services are one thing that will always remind our clients why working with us is important for long-term profitability. We also work remotely as your team's extension if you can't send us project files. Join us now and get testing services that add best values to your website.

Contact us today to avail quality assurance services. We can help you redefine the way your website performs.

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