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How to Develop Low Cost Business Apps?

Develop Low Cost Business Apps

The year 2015 was a great year for mobile app development as it saw massive market growth and adoption rates. The smartphone app boom has resulted in an enormous opportunity for businesses to develop their own apps and stay connected to their customers at all times, while benefiting from increased ROI.

Building a mobile business app was an expensive affair in the past but not anymore. Small and medium-sized companies can develop business apps at a very low cost.

The smartphone shipments are increasing at a very rapid rate and it is important for businesses to capture this market by developing apps on different platforms.

5 Ways to Develop Low Cost Business Apps

Most app development companies these days are startups which provide app development services at a very low cost. So how do they manage to cut costs and provide services at such reasonable prices? Here are some of the methods which have been proven to save both time and money, and can help in affordable business application development -

  1. Cloud Based Apps - This new technology is being adopted by most businesses in order to avoid large data center costs. Since app development and testing are done on the cloud, major investments in data center hardware and softwares can be easily avoided. The app development team is also able to access the cloud from anywhere, thereby ensuring better productivity
  2. Scrum - This framework is part of the agile application development methodology that aids joint development of business apps, amongst other things. It helps in smooth movement of the project development process as the development team works as one unit to develop the app ensuring that it meets all business requirements. This method reduces the risk of app failure to a large extent, thereby saving costs
  3. Virtual Databases - Business app development has become an inexpensive job due to the easy availability of virtualized databases. Instead of creating multiple databases, it is now easy to store all your data in one place. By using virtual databases not only do you reduce the overall load on your project, but also save big on costs
  4. Prototyping - This method is used on a large-scale by businesses to cut costs during the app development stage. With prototyping, the majority of the product is not built but a rough layout is presented for the end-user to experiment and provide feedback. The objective of this process is to ensure that the app fulfills the desired business needs. New prototypes can be designed based on the feedback before developing the entire product, ensuring heavy cost savings and the ability to dodge significant delays
  5. Virtual Operating System - This method is used by mobile app developers to address issues of incompatibility. By adopting a virtual operating system, the changes made by you will reflect in all the operating systems. The software used automates the process by verifying the changes; thereby reducing human errors caused during manual verification and thus reduces cost

5 Simple Tools to Build Low Cost Business Apps

Businesses are trying to cut development costs of various productivity apps by trying out various methods and tools. Here is a list of some of the popular tools businesses use for budget application development -

  1. Bizness Apps - This affordable business apps development tool helps to build an app and a mobile website for small and medium businesses. Bizness Apps provides a customized and professional looking mobile app at a very nominal fee. This tool allows easy integration with your business services as well
  2. PhoneGap - This is a tool which uses JavaScript for the development of low cost business apps in HTML5 and CSS3 which are the standard programming languages used these days. Developing with these languages helps developers bypass the core complexity of making the app compatible with multiple devices. PhoneGap provides a service where developers are allowed to upload code and receive iOS, Android, and Windows apps ready for launch
  3. AppMakr - It is no longer necessary to have the required knowledge of writing code to develop mobile apps. The AppMakr tool helps you build a simple app at a very low cost. In this tool the user is allowed to include push notifications, RSS feeds, and a customized icon
  4. EachScape - This unique tool uses the block-building technique to provide budget application development services. The interface is very simple and uses a drag-and-drop feature to assemble various components and integrate it with your content to generate mobile apps for iOS, Android, and Windows platforms
  5. Conduit - This tool allows easy social media integration, user reviews, e-commerce options, and analytics to track the reach of your business app. Along with support for iOS and Android platforms, Conduit offers affordable application development for the Windows platform as well

The Future of Low Cost Business Apps

Developing countries are the next frontier for the ever-increasing mobile phone market. Though a very booming industry, these markets may pose some challenges for mobile app developers. Majority of the mobile phone users in these countries live in areas with less network connectivity or very slow internet speeds.

Mobile app developers need to take into consideration the size of screens and reduced processing capability of low-end phones in these developing countries. In order to gain popularity in these areas, apps should address issues such as cultural barriers, language, and literacy of the local population. The apps should be easy to use with minimum number of steps to follow, and minimize the battery usage.

Choose Outsource2india for Low Cost Business App Development

We at Outsource2india have an experienced team of software engineers specialized in mobile app development on various platforms such as iOS and Android. We thoroughly understand the intricacies faced during the business app development process and customize our services to suit your business needs, delivering a final product within the desired time limit.

Fill in the contact form or talk to one of our representatives with all your requirements and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

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