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Outsource Training Product Development Services

Training Product Development Services

India has the latest technology and the best talent to provide world class training product development services. Macromedia has created Captivate, a great e-Learning development tool that has been a big hit with e-Learning organizations.

Outsource your training development services to India and get access to professional and competent e-Learning services. At Outsource2india, we can ensure that your e-Learning training products get done they way you want. Our training tools can engage the learner, helping her/him learn faster and remember better. Depending on your requirements, we can build the entire e-Learning training product or specific modules.

Outsource2india Training Product Development Services

  • CONTENT - We can write the required training content from scratch or redesign your existing training product while working with your experts.
  • INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN - We can design and develop a script that maximizes learning according to your objectives and is apt for your target audience. After this has been finalized, we can send the script to our graphic designers and media communicators for development.
  • DEVELOP - Our team can develop the training product and include audio, animation, tests, interaction, simulations or any other elements that you may require.
  • PUBLISH - We will finally publish the training for delivery on a CD or over the Internet.

Why use e-Learning training products?

Imagine how great it would be for you to be able to have your new employees sit down at a computer and ask them to take a e-Learning course in company orientation or some other required training. Having a training module or online course to impart information or to increase the skills of your employees can be very advantageous to your organization as e-Learning training products are cost-effective, easy to use, effective, reusable and efficient.

You may also require an e-Learning training product to train your employees in using a new software product and you want them to learn the software in a fast and simple manner. We can provide you with well-designed training products that is both cost-effective and at the same time well-designed.

If you want to give a training CD to your salesmen and evaluate their learning, then having a good training product would be ideal. At O2I, we can provide you with a competent training CD for this use. A training module can be more advantageous because it can be transferred across distances, to effectively bring sales training to your people and eventually boost your revenue. NYSE companies have been employing this for a long time, now mid-size companies are also trying this out, as such training is cost-effective and also efficient.

You maybe an entrepreneur and you want to sell training so that people can learn accounting, PowerPoint, leadership, factory safety, company policies, writing, golf or almost anything. In this case, opting for a training product is ideal. Training products can be easily sold online and since production costs are very low, your ROI will be high.

If any one of these scenarios describe you or your business concerns, then you should think of outsourcing training product development services to India. Outsourcing training product development services to India can help you get access to professional services. O2I’s training product development services can provide high-quality training products in any format of your choice, be it a CD or an online course.

Advantages of using Macromedia Captivate

At Outsource2india, we use Macromedia’s Captivate to create effective training products. Captivate has many advantages, such as the following.

  • Interactive simulations can be easily created
  • Supports audio, video and animation
  • SCORM Compliant for reusability
  • Can be used to create quizzes and evaluations
  • Integrates with Learning Management Systems (LMS)
  • Fast loading or streaming
  • Can be published to a variety of media
  • Content can be easily updated

Contact O2I to outsource the design and development of your training products.

e-Learning - e-Learning, Product Training, Training CDs can be outsourced to India

Outsourcing Creative Design - Creative services like different types of writing, photo editing, story boarding, and other forms of creative communication that can be outsourced to India.

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Our Customers

  • Movement Mortgage
  • Alcon
  • ARI
  • Maximus
  • Redwood E-Learning Systems