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Is Microservice The Next Trending Technology?

Is Microservice The Next Trending Technology?

Microservices evolved gradually as a solution to some of the problems faced by developers with the existing monolithic architecture. To put it simply, microservices is the breaking down of a monolithic application into several small or micro applications, which are packaged and installed separately.

Monolithic architecture

To quickly understand it, you can compare it to a big container where all the different software elements of an application are gathered and packed tightly. This means that the components of the code work as a single unit, sharing the same memory space. The software created using this architecture is self-contained, with its elements being connected to and dependent on each other.

Now this presented several difficulties, such as -

  • You cannot use different technologies to build a monolithic app
  • If any one feature of the system fails, the entire system fails
  • It's extremely difficult to scale the app when updating, and often the entire system needs to be rebuilt
  • Continuous development is not possible as different features cannot be developed and deployed simultaneously
  • Consequently, the development of monolithic apps is quite slow
  • Complex apps have tight dependencies, making the monolithic architecture unfit for their development

Microservices in a Nutshell

Microservices or Microservice Architecture is a software architectural method that considers an app as a collection of several tiny autonomous services that are modeled around a business domain.

  • Numerous clients try to access different services like configure, build, or search from various devices
  • Those services are segregated depending on the domain and functionality and are then assigned to separate microservices
  • Each microservice has its own load balancer and execution environment for executing their functions; simultaneously, it also records data in its own database
  • Each microservice can be deployed on a different platform and with a different programming language
  • Every microservices communicates with every other microservices via Message Bus or REST - a stateless server
  • Microservices use Service Discovery to identify their communication pathway and execute operational functions like monitoring, automation and more
  • The API Gateway communicates all the functions executed by the microservices to clients
  • All points inside are connected to the API Gateway; this way, anyone connecting to the gateway is automatically plugged into the entire system

6 Key Benefits of Microservices

Microservices offer several benefits which could very well make this the next big technology being adopted by most software companies.

  1. Easy and Simple

    Easy and Simple

    The chief principle behind microservices is simplification; building and maintaining applications become many times easier when each application is divided into smaller, manageable chunks. Handling the code also becomes easier, as each microservice is basically a separate block of code. Varying databases, programming languages and software environments can be used to implement services.

    This essentially means that all the different services can be implemented, rebuilt and re-implemented, and managed separately. Take the example of a particular microservice allocating a huge chunk of memory or putting a big load on the processor; only that particular service will be affected, and not the entire system. Not only that, if a single microservice fails, it can be resolved quickly; it also means that each microservice can be produced quickly and easily.

  2. Organized Around Business Capabilities

    Organized Around Business Capabilities

    Microservices empower developers to build products rather than projects. This style of architecture enables teams to concentrates on developing essential business functionality rather than creating glue code. In other words, software teams are grouped according to business capabilities, and not technologies. This makes services adaptable and suitable for use in various contexts.

    One service can be used in several business processes or across multiple business channels, based on the requirement. Every team member will be given the charge for a specific service, resulting in the development of a savvy team with cross-functional capabilities.

  3. Enhanced Productivity and Speed

    Enhanced Productivity and Speed

    With each application being decomposed into smaller services that can be developed in a short time, the microservices architectural model solves the issue of speed and productivity. Several teams can be set to work on developing multiple components at the same time, without the need to wait for a team to complete a batch of work to start on their own module.

    When microservices are segregated, they are also capable of being found and altered easily; in this manner, the microservices architecture enables faster QA, as each microservices is capable of being tested separately. It is also possible to test components that are ready when programmers are busy developing the remaining modules.

  4. Flexibility in Using Technologies and Scalability

    Flexibility in Using Technologies and Scalability

    We have seen that every microservice can be created using different technology. This makes it easy to choose the most suitable technology stack for the express requirements of the service. The microservice structure permits segregated services developed using different programming languages to function seamlessly with other modules. If you need to scale the solution in accordance with the growth of your business in the future, it becomes easy because you have adopted microservices. Adding new modules to the system is smooth and easy, and you can also scale only those services you need to - you don't have to read the entire system as with the conventional monolithic architecture.

  5. Cross-functional, Independent Teams

    Cross-functional, Independent Teams

    If you need to have distributed teams, then microservices are a huge advantage. Developing a huge monolithic system is quite complex; if you must work with groups across the world or with extended teams, it can get very messy, and lead to chaos. With the microservices architecture, developers have more freedom to work independently and take technical decisions on their own, in smaller, manageable teams. Ergo, if you are set to develop a large solution, the microservice architecture will enable you to do it quicker, better and smoother.

  6. Enhanced Customer Service

    Enhanced Customer Service

    Microservices can help you deliver superior customer service because of the following -

    • You can start with the necessary contact channels for your business, and add new contact channels as required
    • As it's built on the cloud platform, infinite scaling is possible
    • Scalable cloud platforms make it easy to maintain a high level of performance consistently
    • You can provide consistent customer service across multiple channels
    • The common data store makes access to relevant data possible whenever required

Other Services You Can Benefit From

To Conclude

Given the kind of advantages this technology provides, it would be a huge surprise indeed, if it did not become one of the hottest trends in technology. We have seen the huge benefits it has for businesses. That doesn't mean that it doesn't have its share fair of disadvantages. Some organizations may find it intimidating to deal with multiple frameworks, languages, libraries and so on, or have teams capable of working autonomously. However, its many benefits make a compelling case for its adoption.

Outsource2india is a reputed and experienced Software development company in India developing AI-rich customized software applications (mobile, web, hybrid, desktop, and stand-alone) for more than 26 years. Our team has vast expertise in Microservices and can handle any kind of development requirement with ease. Additionally, our software experts can provide consultation on the best you should follow based on your project requirements.

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