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Mobility is Transforming Businesses

Are you aware that the number of mobile devices has surpassed the number of people on this planet?

The kind of capital pushed into mobile e-commerce is a clear indicator of how mobility is transforming businesses. As this is purely a customer driven model, businesses have no option but to bring in mobility of services for its customers.

The Key Driver

Shoppers are increasingly making mobile a part of their shopping journey, right from product research, comparison, price points, to store locations. With scores of consumers briskly opting for making purchases through the mobile platform, and add to it the kind of mobile apps for businesses being released at a frantic pace, companies are bound to drive on this paradigm shift.

A Look at How Mobility Affects Sales and Marketing

Personalized Persuasion

With mobile phones or tablets becoming a must carry personal gadget, businesses can now target the customers directly. As smart analytics empowers businesses with the requisite knowledge of their targeted audience, marketing has become more personalized and aptly-timed.

Instant Sell-Ability

With business mobility, companies get the advantage of instant sell-ability of the product or service. You can persuade through the mobile platform and also make instant sale, without any middle men or store acting as a sales agent or mediator.

Changed Role of Retailers

Even retailers have revamped the way they used to make a sale and push for the displayed shelf products. Personalized persuasion has scaled newer heights with the assistance of beacons. Signals trigger a personalized advert or message related to the product in sight at the store on the mobile phone of the consumer as the consumer nears the beacon installed at strategic locations in store. Now this is a game changer with respect to how a customer is enticed at the retail outlet and clearly shows how mobility is transforming businesses.

Get started

  • Have a Mobility Strategy

    To bring mobility for business, the first obvious thing is to work on mobility solutions and strategy. Start with understanding the gaps that can be filled with mobility. Develop a business app or tie up with a mobility solutions provider and find opportunities where mobility can help your business grow

  • Garner Stakeholder Goodwill

    The key for a complete makeover is to garner the stakeholders' confidence with respect to fully leveraging business mobility. So start with a pilot project, choose a product and let it expand through the mobile platform, and see and show how it fares

4 Checkpoints for Business Transition with Mobility

Gear up for these changes if you are to bring in mobility for business -

  1. Change the Way You Interact With Your Customers

    You are now more direct with your customers as the medium of exchange has become one-to-one and 24x7 with the penetration of smart phones. So orient your messages, adverts, etc., directly to the specific targets or segments rather than bulk messaging.

  2. Changing Business Relationship with Wholesalers and Retailers

    This also prompts for a changed relationship with wholesalers and retailers, as their roles may be in for a change. As technologies evolve, you have to maintain an integrated and seamless relationship with the retailers so that your marketing strategies can work more effectively.

  3. Changes in Traditional Sales Funnel

    Mobility brings major changes to your traditional sales funnel. Now as you are more direct with your customers, and more importantly, you are in a position to always influence the customers, you have to make necessary changes to your rather seemingly lengthy sales process.

  4. Change in Business Attitude

    The shift towards mobile technology is here to stay, so businesses need to constantly think of new ways to make mobility a part of their operations - both internal as well as customer facing. Mobility inside the organization will streamline various processes and reduce costs while minimizing delays. While mobility for customers will provide better marketing outcomes and increase customer loyalty.

Transform Your Business with Innovative Mobility Solutions

There is no time to ponder. The wave of mobility has already swept the globe and will only rise further. It's time to adapt and find ways where mobility can help your business perform better or deliver greater benefits to your customers.

Outsource2india is a leading global mobility solutions provider. Contact Outsource2india to know how we can help you attain your business objectives.

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  • Movement Mortgage
  • Alcon
  • ARI
  • Maximus
  • Redwood E-Learning Systems