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Developed an e-Learning Platform for a Leading University

The Customer

The customer is a leading university located in the Middle East. This was the first time the company availed our services. The University had a mandate to provide its students higher education on par with internationally accepted standards. The University wanted to deploy an integrated environment to fulfill this mandate.

The Requirement

The customer wanted to establish a scalable and robust e-Learning platform to enable remote learning, especially for students located in remote geographies. The University also wanted to leverage the e-Learning platform to support its distance learning courses that were offered online.

The various departments of the University offer over four hundred online learning programs in Arabic as well as in English; all of these had to be integrated into the new e-Learning platform.

The Challenge

The sheer number of courses that were to be immediately moved to the new virtual e-Learning environment was the biggest challenge. Scalability and robustness of the platform were secondary challenges that we could easily surmount, given our prior experience in this sector.

The Solution

Our team interacted extensively with the University personnel to understand their exact requirements and to perform an analysis of the feasibility of deploying the platform using their infrastructure. Our solution had multiple components:

Suitable software: We customized the Learning Management System (LMS) developed in-house and deployed it for this customer. The entire gamut of 400 courses was supported on the LMS. Multi-language support was built in to support Arabic and English courses.

Multi-user system: The system allowed for a large number of users to simultaneously log in and utilize it.

Online tests: Administration of tests and exams online was enabled, allowing students in far-flung locations to be tested and / or certified. This facility was a big advantage offered by the new e-Learning system that was not available previously at the University.

End result: In a nutshell, a highly customized e-Learning platform that met the customer's exacting specifications was deployed at their site.

Customer Benefits

The satisfied customer derived multiple benefits from the project:

  • Cost-effective, easy to use and manage solution
  • e-Learning platform was built on highly robust and scalable architecture
  • Post-deployment, there were no complaints from the vast user base
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  • Movement Mortgage
  • Alcon
  • ARI
  • Maximus
  • Redwood E-Learning Systems