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e-Learning Platform Development for an IT Organization

The Customer

The customer is a leading IT organization with a global presence. They had never availed of our services prior to this engagement. By the end of this project, they were more than delighted with our services.

The Requirement

The customer required an efficient and customizable e-Learning platform to deliver online courses and facilitate blended learning for its existing as well as new employees. They were on a hiring spree and were recruiting several new employees each quarter. Many of the new employees were fresh college graduates, who needed intensive training.

The customer also required the implementation of a Learning Management System (LMS) over their corporate Virtual Private Network (VPN).

The Challenge

The customer's personnel performed a thorough evaluation of LMS and e-Learning vendors and solutions in the marketplace before deciding to outsource the requirements to us. Besides the expected requirements of high quality and efficiency, the customer also wanted us to turn the project around in a very short time frame.

The Solution

After due analysis, we came up with a hybrid solution to meet the customer's requirements. Our dedicated software development team customized our in-house Learning Management System to suit the specific requirements of the customer. As the customer's LMS servers were to be located across the globe, we ensured that the customized LMS was able to synchronize data and content across all these far-flung servers. Our software engineers set up twelve dedicated e-Learning servers for the customer on their VPN at as many locations across the world.

In a nutshell, a highly customized LMS that met all the specifications of the customer was deployed on their VPN. The software was integrated and set up to ensure that synchronized information was served to world-wide users at any given time – all this was done in a very short period of time, meeting the customer's deadlines.

Customer Benefits

The satisfied customer derived multiple benefits from the project:

Cost: As they had performed a thorough market survey before opting for our services, the customer was well aware of market rates for such a deployment. They were delighted by the competitive rates that we offered, and appreciated the fact that these rates were coupled with world-class output.

Customization: The customer's requirements for a multi-location, multi-server, synchronized learning system could not be met by any off-the-shelf LMS. The customized solution that we offered fit their requirements correctly; a fact that came for heavy approbation.

More efficient training: The deployment of the LMS ensured that training was centralized and planned; employees were able to utilize the LMS to bridge any skill gaps at a time convenient to them, without having to travel miles to attend classroom sessions.

High Return on Investment: ROI on the project was visibly higher, with a streamlined e-Learning system that used technology to administer mandatory training. Travel costs were cut, employee time was better utilized, and a central repository was created for all e-Learning collateral. The move to the virtual platform was a big success among employees.

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Our Customers

  • Movement Mortgage
  • Alcon
  • ARI
  • Maximus
  • Redwood E-Learning Systems