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Click Fraud - FAQs on Pay Per Click Campaigns

What is Click Fraud?

The act of clicking on pay per click ads with the sole intention of making the advertiser lose money is called Click Fraud.

How does click fraud happen?

It can be done manually, by hiring people to do a search using particular keywords and click on the ad that shows up as the result of the search. It can also be done by using automated software or online bots that are programmed to click on pay per click ads.

Why does click fraud happen?

  1. To make the advertiser loose money.
  2. To help the search engines earn money.
  3. To reduce competition.

How do you prevent Click Frauds?

There are effective tools used to prevent click fraud, some of the tools are listed below.

  1. Who’s Clicking Who: This is a research tool, used to identify click fraud before it empties your account. This tool detects click fraud using IP address, keywords used, and various other ways. It also detects visits from multiple pay per click search engines and visitors using multiple IP addresses.
  2. Click Detective: Click Detective tracks return visitors to your site and alerts you immediately if there is proof of a click fraud happening. It uses sophisticated tracking mechanisms to determine whether the clicks are normal or abnormal and provides you with prevention tools if there is an abnormal click.
  3. Ad watcher: This program helps you in tracking your ROI accurately and at the same time monitors and eliminates click frauds. Ad watcher keeps the website owner updated about click fraud using “Fraud Reports”. They also have a tool that would inform the fraudster, that his activity is being monitored and reported to the owner.
  4. Click Auditor: Click Auditor monitors all your pay per click engines and gives you detailed report on all suspicious activities. Click Auditor provides you report on click fraud based on suspicious IP addresses, Geographic Activity, Click Spikes and Competitor Tracking.

How do you overcome click fraud?

Most of the Pay Per Click Search Engines would give credit for future clicks or would reimburse the money if you are a victim of Click Fraud, provided you give them the evidence on the fraudulent activity. You will have to provide them with the reports you received about the click fraud, the date and time of its occurrence, the campaign names that underwent damage, log information of the IP addresses involved in the click fraud and a detailed explanation of the fraudulent activity.

How does Outsource2india help in keeping your PPC campaign free from Click Fraud?

  1. Monitoring: We constantly monitor the Pay Per Click Search Engines to spot any aberration in the click pattern.
  2. Reimbursement or Credit: We have been running Pay Per Click campaign from a long time and have built a healthy relationship with the Search Engines, so we could help you get a reimbursement or a credit for future clicks.
  3. Tools: We could set up tools like Click Detective, Ad Watcher, etc to monitor the Pay Per Click Search Engines.

Outsource your Pay Per Click requirements to O2I.

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