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O2I Creates 3D Models of Vintage Envelopes for Award-winning International Artist

Case Study 3D Modeling for Vintage Envelopes

The Client

The client was born in Athens, Greece, and is one of the most visionary and prolific expressionist artists of the 20th Century. Influenced by classical Athenian ideals, the client is an intellectual, philosopher, historian, writer, athlete, and artist.

A tremendous force in the international art community, the client was profiled and had artworks featured in scores of art publications around the world. Serving as a faculty member for several art programs, the client holds Master Art Classes globally.

The Requirement

The client had obtained three vintage letters from the Victorian era (in their envelopes) and required exact 3D models of the envelopes including the Victorian stamps. The client wanted to outsource the requirement to a reputed company for high-quality output.

O2I's Solution

The client transferred scanned JPEGs of each envelope via email to O2I. The process included modeling with 3DS Max, next level UV unwrapping, texturing, lighting, rendering output (image JPEG format and FBX file format for a client to open and render).

Three full-time resources were assigned to recreate the models. Each model was completed in one business day (22 hours). The entire project required three days to complete.

Client Benefits

O2I's delivered each model within 22 hours, i.e. one-third of the time required overseas (three business days), which made client extremely pleased.

Choose Outsource2india for 3D Modeling Services

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