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10 Emerging Videography Trends 2018

Emerging Videography Trends

Technology has fundamentally changed how videography is approached from a number of angles. New resources, tools, and platforms have made it possible to shoot cinematic quality content on a handheld device or effortlessly capture aerial shots that were once possible only with expensive helicopters!

This advanced equipment, from portable Steadicams to time lapse cameras and camcorders are making it easier than ever for amateurs and professionals alike to take their craft anywhere in the world with ease.

The modern approach to videography is constantly changing, not only because of the pervasive nature of the video, but because the technology is so readily accessible. To truly create something unique and awe-inspiring, one must perfect their craft and go beyond what the tools fundamentally allow us to do.

10 Popular Videography Trends

So how are videographers adjusting their approach to video in 2018? Below are a handful of trends that are driving the current status of videography -

  1. 4K Videos

    We've reached a new level of resolution with 4K, closely matching what the human eye can capture. Smartphones, DSLRs, GoPros, and other devices can now shoot in 4K and the new H.265 codec is allowing capture directly to SD cards, making it easier than ever for anyone to shoot at this resolution.

  2. Drone Videos

    10 years ago, aerial footage required a plane or helicopter. Suffice it to say, an amateur couldn't afford to shoot such footage. But with remote-controlled drones, videographers can attach their cameras and take beautiful shots from angles they never before could have dreamed of.

  3. Short Videos

    People do not prefer to watch long videos unless there is a very good reason for it (or it is a longer piece of entertainment). In fact, the average viewer is 50% more likely to watch a 1-minute video than a 2-minute video. Vine, Instagram, and the average YouTube video length only reinforce this trend.

  4. Wi-Fi Enabled Cameras

    Believe it or not, cameras are only now starting to come with 802.11ac WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity built in. With Samsung entering the market and making this a priority, others will soon follow, allowing you to connect with apps and move your files quickly to and from your camera.

  5. Use of Steadicams

    Much like aerial footage, Steadicam footage wasn't an option for amateurs in the past. They were expensive and required large, complex gimbals. But there are several innovative solutions now available to shoot more steadily while walking or running.

  6. Shallow Depth of Field

    This technique allows the videographer to draw the eye to a specific subject but putting it into sharper focus while the rest of the shot is somewhat blurred. This technique once required careful control over an expensive rig, but can now be done with a steady hand and the click of a button on a DSLR camera.

  7. Time Lapse

    Cameras have been capable of stationary time lapse for some time and the quality of commercial-grade cameras is higher than ever before. Combined with hyper lapse, the ability to take these time-sensitive shots while moving, incredibly shots can now be taken.

  8. Entry of New Brands/Cameras

    As unlikely as it might have seemed a few years ago with the saturation in the camera field, the growth of amateur videography has opened the market enough to allow new brands into the mix, moving into the field. The Samsung NX300 is getting a lot of attention in particular.

  9. Advanced Software

    Software for video editing has always been available, but the power now at the fingertips of the average consumer is greater than ever before. From powerful mainstays like Apple's Final Cut Pro, Sony's Vegas Movie Studio, and Adobe Premier to smaller, more accessible tools like Lightworks and Pitivi, both of which offer free versions, it's easier to edit video on a budget.

  10. Post Production Services

    Video is a powerful resource, more accessible than ever before, and consumers have grown accustomed to its availability and general quality. As a result, more companies are investing in video and more are turning to post production services to ensure the quality is as high as possible.

These trends represent the current course of videography for both professionals and amateurs in the field.

Videography has changed a lot over the years. It is no longer restricted to just professionals with incredibly expensive equipment. Independent videographers, editors, animators, and studies can follow the above mentioned trends and add value to their work on many levels. Accessibility to these resources is like it has never been before, and it's opening a whole new world in the field.

Outsource2india has over 26 years of experience at offering comprehensive videography and video editing services. Contact us to outsource your customized requirements to us.

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