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Looking for a Writer in India? Discover Diversity

You may be surprised to find such a range of writing talent at your fingertips

Look no further. We can take care of you right here through our content writing division. We specialize in quality writing services that conform to international standards. We have a wide network of talented and creative writers and documentation experts who can fulfill your needs in almost every area of writing. It’s hard to write good English when English is not your first language. But, relax. India is a country where English is the first language for a majority of professionals and they communicate in English as comfortably as their American or British counterparts. You can find Indian writers specializing in almost every field of writing who can serve you as well as the writers in any part of the world, perhaps at a fraction of the cost.

There is no need to use your valuable money and resources overseeing a staff writer. Why spend the money to hire a full-time writer or specialist, only to pay them to sit around after the project is complete? Outsourcing your writing needs to our qualified team will save you an immense amount of time, money, and aggravation.

Our writers at Outsource2india have experience managing all types and sizes of writing projects. They will ensure that your project is completed on time and within your budget. We understand that time-to-market is the key to success in almost every field, and we value your precious time. Try us and you will see for yourself the potential of outsourcing your content development to India.

What Are The Services offered by Outsource2india?

Technical Writing

With the world changing every second, every company needs to catch up with emerging technology or be left behind. Documenting and maintaining your product information can sometimes be an exasperating and time-consuming task. At Outsource2india, we have a large pool of specialists and can find the best technical writers for your specific needs. We can provide product documentation across wide areas-computer software and hardware, manufacturing, finance, medical and even web design. So no matter what the project, we have the perfect team, the perfect tools and the dedication to create the documentation for you. We offer technical writing services including, but not limited to -

  • Project Manuals
  • Product Testing Documents
  • Proposals
  • User Guides
  • Technical Abstract & references
  • Policies and procedures manuals
  • On-line Help Systems using RoboHelp X5
  • Online Course content
  • Quality documentation
  • Functional Specifications
  • Solutions Design Documents
  • Requirements Documents
  • Usability Test Reports
  • White papers
  • Business Process Re-engineering Documents

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Academic Writing, White Papers

Academic writing is the style of writing expected at universities and in the scientific world. It differs from most forms of writing because in addition to writing skill, it also requires professional experience. The three main parts of academic writing are the academic paragraph, the academic essay, and the report, the academic paragraph being the basic unit. Once a paragraph has been written, it can be expanded into an essay, several of which, put together form a report. The structures of all the three are essentially the same. They consist of main points and claims along with the appropriate scientific support. This support may be provided by means of examples, evidence, illustrations, data, statistics, graphs, etc. The whole process involves asking specific questions and following specific instructions. Our experts, at Outsource2india are well versed with the form of academic writing and will fulfill these requirements when writing for you.

White papers are powerful marketing tools used to help key decision-makers and influencers justify implementing solutions. Lots of people have sufficient data to put together several white papers, but keep putting off the actual writing due to time constraints or plain inertia. We can also write your white papers for you, something that may be a tedious task (Let us handle the bad part) but can provide you significant returns.

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Medical Writing

Are you a medical devices or pharmaceutical company who wants to outsource its clinical presentations, product descriptions, reports and article writing? Do you want to add medical content to your website? Have you always wanted to write a medical book but find the whole process too time-consuming, considering that you have a busy schedule already? Do you do a lot of clinical research at the hospital, yet end up publishing nothing due to lack of time? We can help you. The quality of written clinical presentations plays a significant role in the success or failure of new products, inventions and devices. Yet many firms, at the outset, do not pay enough attention to this aspect making it the last thing they do. There is always the potential danger of this turning into an unsurpassable bottleneck that can threaten the future of a product. Our expert team at Outsource2india is well qualified to help you compile, organize, write, edit and produce a wide range of medical or scientific documentation required to support your product development projects. We can help you bridge the gap between the production teams and the writing process. We engage ourselves in providing personal and direct access for every client, regardless of size or location. From standalone reports and presentations to clinical document preparation, we are sure to meet the unique requirements of each client, using our vast network. We can work on your -

  • Clinical development plans.
  • Protocols.
  • Study reports.
  • Abstracts, manuscripts and journal articles.
  • Medical books.
  • Medical content for the web

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Copywriting involves a lot of persuasion, technique and relevance. There’s no tried and tested method. There are times when a few catchy lines won’t do; when the matters covered are intricate or where the consequences of botching would be serious. These are the tasks where a writer’s analytical and compositional skills get the better of snappy strap and grab writing. The public has too many things on its mind and only an extremely creative writer can create something eye-catching and interesting. Why is it that every writer can't use the same 26 letters of the alphabet and come up with a groovy punch line? Write something yourself and you will realize why. If you have ever wondered why your web site is not delivering the results you were expecting, come to us. At Outsource2india, we can provide you with copywriting services of high standards. Be it coming up with the most arresting line, developing an engaging body copy or drafting a memorable ad, we can provide the most creative solutions for your company. We can provide quality solutions ranging from -

  • Copywriting
  • Copyediting
  • Proofreading
  • Creating flyers, banners, newsletters, websites
  • Multimedia
  • Brand naming and more…

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Book Summaries and Book Reviews

Does your website specialize in providing book reviews to eager readers, who want value for their money? Are you an online seller of books and want to add to your site, insightful book reviews and summaries, which are not spoilers, but all the same, attract more customers? We can write them for you. We, at Outsource2india, have a team of voracious readers waiting to devour any book that is launched in the market, irrespective of topic or length. Is the book technical, medical, too business-like or plain boring? It does not matter! We will read it and review it for you. Our reviews are not just descriptions of the book, but carry a lot of substance and try to delve deep into the minds of the books' authors and their intentions. We assure you that your readers will be satisfied and so will you.

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Fiction Writing and Book Authoring

Always had a lot of ideas to write for children, but did not know how to put them on paper? Have you ever read a book and said to your self, "Even I could write one like that?" Are you one of those whose mind is constantly making up romantic stories to tell, but find it too tiresome to write? Are you a publication company looking for fiction/non-fiction writers to develop narratives based on your story ideas or write books on a wide range of subjects? Writing a book is a lot of work that doesn’t often provide a whole lot of return on the investment. Many authors work on a single manuscript for years; only to have it rejected by every publishing house they send it to. Don’t be one of them. Approach Outsource2india and we will write your book for you. We can help you reach your desired audience. We have a group of talented writers who will take your imaginative ideas and weave them into an attention-grabbing piece of work. No work involved for you. No need to waste your precious time in typing, editing or proofreading, not to speak of writer’s block that strikes every now and then. We can take care of all that for you and hand you the finished book to fulfill your dream of being a writer.

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Script Writing

Movie or TV scripts. Have you wondered where they come from? Actually, just about anywhere. In the past, scripts used to come primarily from Hollywood or New York markets. But now things have changed. If you have a great idea, no matter who you are, you can get your script made into a movie. Now, now. Don’t get too impatient or over-excited. Having an idea alone may not get you very far. You will need to know the rules of script writing if you are going to write a good script, and you will also need to know how much freedom you have in terms of inventing new characters, or fleshing out the characters that are already present in the script. Lots of questions arise before you even begin to write the script. Your first draft will almost never be used, so be prepared to go through at least one (more typically two) rounds of edits as you adjust the script to the developers taste. What matters is how you present it so that the right person falls for it. Sounds like too much work? Bring us your idea and we will tailor your script for you. We, at Outsource2india will take care of the research required, the essentialities of any script, the character development, even the editing, if your developer needs it. Leave it all to us and get prepared to begin your journey into the world of entertainment.

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Business Writing

Every company has its own set of rules and expectations about the ways to communicate in a business setting. In some companies, there may be less emphasis on written materials and more emphasis on verbal communication. But as a general rule, memos, letters, resumes, presentations and emails are important and play a role in creating a person’s business reputation, whatever the line of business may be. Do you think you have enough to do already without entangling yourself in the web of the never-ending requirement for presentations and memos? We will provide you high quality business writing services to suit your needs and meet your deadlines. Again, it is not only the content that matters but also the style of English that plays a major role in attracting customers. You may have English on your presentations, but it’s probably not the right kind of English for your country. We, at Outsource2india, understand your needs and tailor our writing according to the customer. We can deal with -

  • General business writing issues
  • Presentations
  • Business letters, memos and reports
  • Resumes
  • Academic applications
  • Employment letters and documents….and more.

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News Item Writing, Journalism, News Release Writing

Who does not place a premium on news that shapes their decision-making, provokes discussions and provides information? And of course, who can forget scoops? Web sites and other media that provide updated news become valued resources and are used more often than those that just pitch products and services. More readers mean more opportunities to build customer loyalty, sales and consequently revenue. With the help of Outsource2india, you can turn your website into a truly unique resource that gets frequented by customers, prospects, investors, and the media. Our news writers can provide daily coverage of industry developments and additional, in-depth feature articles each month. Whatever the kind of news may be we can write it for you not missing even the nuances frequently neglected by other news sources. Do contact us for your news writing needs.

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Speech Writing

You have probably heard that the "golden rule" of speech writing is to begin with a joke. But you may also have realized that the joke sometimes falls flat taking the speech with it. Sometimes a bad beginning is a surefire way of sucking out the interest of the audience. So what is the actual golden rule? There are three actually: an attention-grabbing beginning, an excellent ending and an interesting speech in between. Usually, if you’re going to give a speech, you know what you’re going to go through. Most likely, you have expertise on whatever subject it is you are giving a speech on so you probably aren’t struggling with the topic itself. But like your university papers gave you trouble with conclusions and introductions, so will a speech. We will help you with all that. In addition, there are lots of busy people out there who do not have enough time to develop speech contents for the occasions that keep cropping up every now and then. Whether that is your situation or if you’re having a typical case of writer’s block, our services for speech writing will work for you. Let Outsource2india write your speeches and you can relax and be assured that your speech will never be ignored again. If you have qualms about getting your speech written, remember that even the most famous people use speechwriters. Help us help you.

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Travel Writing

People are earning more and more, travel destinations are increasing by the day, travel ads are getting more attractive, and hundreds of baby boomers are retiring each day. Consequently, the travel industry is on the threshold of an explosion. And what do people love to read before they spend their hard earned money on places they have never seen? Travel reviews of course. There’s a great demand for highly skilled, professional travel writers; a pool of travel writing specialists that can be relied on to write vivid, spirited and appealing articles. We can find out what travelers want to read and help you write books about exciting locales. Are you a travel website looking for travel reviews to promote your sales? You must have realized how much research there is to do before you can really write a good article about any city. We can help you in two ways. One: Outsource2india could do all the mundane research for you and then come up with wonderful articles beckoning readers to all those global destinations. Two: We can travel for you within your budget and then write been-there-done-that reviews of exotic locales in India and around. Sounds helpful? Contact us.

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Product Descriptions, Manuals, Online Help, Tutorials

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but you probably never will get a website ranked highly in the search engines with that logic. As far as Google is concerned, a picture is worth nothing. Unless your picture accompanies a detailed product description containing key terms one might use when looking for the product or service online, it may never be found. One problem is that few people have the knowledge; experience or time to write all of the product descriptions their site needs to succeed. We, at Outsource2india can write professional descriptions to help you rise above the tide of a highly competitive market.

Manual writing is a highly technical job that also requires not only writing expertise but also style and language relevant to a specific country. Why get into the hassle of hiring technical guys who also need to be good writers, when we can offer you just the same at a lower cost to you.

Besides printed documentation, most of today’s software and online products ask for Help systems and tutorials. A well-designed system can enhance the user’s experience by providing context-sensitive information for any scenario. At a fraction of the cost of hiring engineers, we can give you well written help systems and tutorials that improve the innate nature of your product and ease the burden of customer support. Let your engineers "engineer." Our qualified writers at Outsource2india will work to deliver a fully functional Help system for your product.

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Report Writing

In addition to academic and medical report writing (link to the medical writing category), we also offer you other kinds of report writing services at Outsource2india. For instance, business reports. If you’ve read many business reports, you know they tend to be dull and stilted. They don’t have to be. While writing a business report won’t let you use all your creativity, you can apply the principles of good writing to create a document that communicates and is interesting. After all, your business reports and presentations show your company your worth and can make or break your career. You may not have the need or budget to hire a full time business writer. So what do you do? Simple. Contact us and we will write your reports for you in the required format and style. We can make your reports appealing and worthy of anybody’s attention. Nobody will ever think your reports are boring again.

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Software and Technical Book Writing

So you are a technical person or company who has loads and loads of stuff you want to tell the world about, yet do not have the time or inclination to sit and start writing all of it. Even if you did start writing, you are plagued with the constant question that arises in your mind, "Why would anyone want to read this book?" What we offer you is a well- structured, systematic, well-written book that will allow you to express your thoughts convincingly to your scientific community. We have highly competent technical writers who can work with you to suit your needs. You will not have to lose sleep about us making errors on account of our lack of expertise. Our team will see to it that the most qualified writer handles your work for you. Stop pondering. Approach Outsource2india and let us do the worrying and the writing.

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Biography Writing

A biography is the account of someone’s life story, written by another person and most usually contains more of the author’s own judgments rather than straight facts. A biography is very different from an autobiography where the author is himself the subject of the book or a ghostwriter who has worked with the subject to absorb the story of the latter’s life. A biography can be magical, bringing the subject to life and showing what influence he or she has had on the world. If you, your company or website are interested in writing a biography, you’ve got a lot of research and interviewing ahead of you, and even that does not guarantee that you will be read. We, at Outsource2india can help you here. We can do your research for you, compile all the information and create the most vivid biography possible. The most important thing is to be sure the facts are correct and can be supported. The last thing you want is to be sued by the subject of your book or their family for misrepresentation. We take care of that part too. We will check all sources for their authenticity before we even start writing. So trust us and sit back till we do all the tedious groundwork for you.

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Game Writing

This industry as a whole has yet to fully embrace the need to include writers in the mix. Game developers frequently don’t accept the need to include a professional writer in the company. But, most of them do not realize what a game writer can bring into the team. The two most important roles of a game writer are interactive dialogue scripting and narrative design. As the gaming world gets more and more competitive, customers out there are looking for something that stands out from the rest. But there is no need to hire a full-time game writer. We, at Outsource2india can provide you with just that. Give us the theme and the story and we will write the dialogues and the narrative for you. Our creative writers will make sure that your customers absolutely love the dialogues in your game, which will directly lead to more sales and revenue. Do not stick to the same old lines. Do not suck out the creativity from the game with a dull narrative. A game is a lot like a movie and it needs to hold attention. The next time you have a great idea for a game, think of us.

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Are you a busy executive who just has no time to spend on designing those attractive (clearly time-consuming if they ask you) presentations, your company needs you to make every other day? Are you a company that needs a lot of presentations as a part of your daily activities? Are your employees tired of translating figures and graphs into eye-catching ideas? Are you a student tied up with research (and other things), and find yourself unable to devote much energy in presenting your copious data in a way that can be understood by your professor? We are there to help you with all that. We, at Outsource2india will help you make the best presentations ever. Give us your data and figures and we will translate them into captivating presentations (with even a dash of humor if that’s the way you want them). Our talented writers at Outsource2india will ensure that everything is accurate and tailored to fit your needs. Forget about struggling with PowerPoint forever. Contact us.

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Promotional Material and Brochures

"Send us your brochure and we will go on from there" Dreaded words to you if you’re a company who’s more comfortable with things like software development, manufacturing, scientific research or finance rather than the written word. In fact, some people would rather face a horrendous job than write marketing materials that will help them sell their company to their customers. Some admit to not knowing verb clauses from Santa Clauses; let alone how to write effective marketing brochures. Don't be one of them. You don't have to write anything. Leave the writing to Outsource2india. Whether your budget is big or small, we can design an effective and eye-catching brochure that works for you. Our focused messages will keep in mind your target market, placing messages for maximum impact. The professional writing techniques at Outsource2india will help you state your message clearly and concisely. Finally what you will achieve is a dynamic brochure or pamphlet that will communicate with your audience more successfully than you ever could verbally. Whether you are a company, an individual or a nonprofit organization, we can offer our services to you ensuring that you will be fully satisfied with what you get. So dismiss your worries regarding writing and get in touch with us.

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