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Brochure Printing: 5 Useful Tips to Remember

Brochure Printing Tips

Traditionally businesses have always relied on creative marketing collaterals such as brochures, infomercial, catalogues and other direct marketing tools to reach out to customers. Brochures, also known as pamphlet, is a type of leaflet meant to educate your prospects and target audience about your organization, products and services. A well designed brochure not only has the potential to gain a buyer's interest, but also convert him into a loyal customer.

Often considered to be the tool of choice for small and medium businesses, brochures are in fact used by businesses of all sizes to reach out and influence customers. As a matter of fact, offline or online, people still prefer to check brochure information before hiring services of a particular company. Even after the popularity of newer online marketing tools, brochure marketing ideas still work as high-quality brochures have a longer shelf life, and greater recall rate among customers.

5 Brochure Printing Tips

Many companies undertake brochure designing and printing without giving a second thought to certain brochure printing nuances that can make or break the final output. The difference between a high-quality and a low-quality brochure is in not only based on how they look, but a variety of other design and messaging factors vary as well.

Here is a list of 5 handy brochure printing tips that can help you create impressive and great looking brochures:

  1. Be Innovative and Original:

    Perhaps the most important factor while brochure designing is to make it innovative and original. Like mentioned before, a brochure should convey all what a business stands for, seamlessly, to the customer. Also it is important to have multiple brochure marketing ideas and gauge what competitors are doing to stay ahead. It also helps to draw inspiration for brochure design from different streams of companies and incorporate their ideas into your own material.

  2. Look Not Just for a Design Expert:

    Brochure design is the key in developing great print brochures. Brochure information, however, is equally important. Not all designers have the skill to design brochures after understanding the business and it's USP. Business knowledge is important because it helps eliminate a lot of guess-work by the designers, and produce high-quality brochure. Either the business itself should spend the initial period in feeding inputs to the designer or should partner with a designer who has business orientation.

  3. Selecting The Right Paper:

    Using a heavier paper might cost more but the final print looks more professional and can help convince a customer of your reliability and professionalism.

  4. Designing and Printing Resolution:

    Images and artwork should be at least 300dpi to ensure high-quality output. However many companies resort to low quality images to save cost resulting in washed out images.

  5. Accounting for Print Bleed:

    The brochure design should allow space beyond the chosen page borders. This will help cover movement of paper while printing and also minimize inconsistencies in design.

Though it's an extremely important source of promoting businesses online, many companies do not give second thought while designing brochures, and leave brochure printing at the mercy of the designer or designing agency. While creative freedom is essential, it is also important to note that the brochure represents your business and what it stands for, and prompts your customers to take a favorable action. It is therefore, important to know how to design a brochure keeping in mind larger business goals and target market.

You can count on these 5 brochure printing tips, for top-notch print brochure quality. Take a look at Outsource2india's creative design to increase the creative quotient of your business.

Contact us to get the perfect blend of creativity and aesthetics in your print brochures.

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