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Outsource Online Survey Analysis Software/Tools - Outsource2india

SPSS, SAS and Excel - powerful online survey analysis software and tools for our research and analytics services


SAS will help you to comprehend your past, observe the present, and foresee outcomes as you gain momentum. SAS can collate data from across your organization; deliver easy access to reporting and analysis to all levels of users. Decision-makers can arrive at answers in a simple manner owing to the easy-to-use interfaces; it saves time and helps them to make effective decisions.


Through SPSS we provide a 360 degree analytical process from planning to data management to analysis to sharing results-and it all works together.

Our Capabilities using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences)

  1. Descriptive statistics like Crosstabulations, Frequencies, Descriptives, Explore, Descriptive ratio statistics
  2. Bivariate statistics like Means, t tests, ANOVA, Correlation (Bivariate, Partial, Distances and Non-parametric tests.
  3. Prediction for numerical outcomes and identifying groups like Factor analysis, Two Step cluster analysis, K-means cluster analysis, Hierarchical cluster analysis, Discriminant analysis, Linear regression, Ordinal regression, Principal components analysis.

Want to anticipate change more effectively? Contact Outsource2india for your SPSS Analysis needs.


Excel-based software has many advantages over traditional software. Excel is very flexible in nature, that’s why customization according to specific and user requirements is easy. Seamless interoperation with other Office applications is what excel based solutions provide both within and between organizations.


R, a GNU project, is an open source environment and programming language, which is used for graphical and statistical computation. R is highly extendable, and supports various graphical and statistical techniques (Time-series analysis, Clustering, Linear and Non-linear Modeling, Classification and Classical Statistical Tests, etc.)

It can be termed as an extended implementation of 'S', developed at Bell Laboratories by John Chambers and group. It can be compiled on multiple platforms like MacOS, UNIX platform, etc. For Microsoft Windows, R comes with a pre-compiled version, called RGUI.

Various scripting languages like Perl, Python and Ruby, allow accessibility of R's functionality. Moreover, via littler and Rscript, one can directly do scripting in R. It is in great demand among statisticians for data mining, data analysis and developing statistical software.

At O2I, we are capable of using any of these tools for online survey analysis.

Please contact Outsource2india here with your outsourcing requirements.

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