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Outsource Frequency Tables and Crosstabs

When we have nominal scaled variables on a survey, we cannot use some of the statistical analysis parameters like the mean (average), standard deviation, and some of the advanced techniques of analysis. But analysis of such data can always be done through frequency tables and crosstabs, along with charts and graphs.

For example, if we want to describe the demographics of our sample, pie charts can be used to display the percentage of male and female respondents, or their zip code distribution across the USA, or other data like their percentage distribution across age groups or education levels.

Relationships between two nominal variables can be expressed as a cross tabulation - say, between age groups and preference levels for a new television show, or brand of product. Usually, a demographic variable and a variable like attitude, preference or purchase intention can be mapped through a crosstab.

Data from any industry can be analyzed using frequency tables and crosstabs. Tell us your needs. Contact Outsource2india now.

Our Process

The data collected on a nominal scale is used. If the collected data is of any other scale, it is recoded using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) into a nominal scale.

The Frequencies or Custom tables options can be used for creating graphs. The Crosstabs option generates the cross tabulation between any two nominal scaled variables.

A chi-square test is performed to check the statistical significance of the cross tabulation. A statistically significant crosstab indicates that there is a relationship between the two variables.

For example, take the case of an auto insurance company’s customers. There may be a strong relationship between the type of work a customer does and the type of car insurance he is interested in. His profession may dictate his commuting habits, whether long-distance or short-haul, inter-city or inter-state.

Another example would be the relationship between ethnic background and the choice of leisure activity. This may lead a sports goods manufacturer to target his communication at the ethnic groups which represent a more attractive market.

Find out the relationships between variables that affect your product sales. Talk to Outsource2india for analysis using Frequency Tables and Crosstabs.

Our Approach

O2I calculates frequency tables to give overall insight into the responses for your survey. We use crosstabs to give you more insights into your data. This can be done with very useful results, either in a data mining kind of search, or as a search for a pre-identified relationship. Graphs and charts are added for clearer visual representation.

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