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Outsource Our Market Research Data Analysis Team

We have resources, who have a great command over specific areas like Management, Mass Communication, Marketing - Brand Personality, Marketing - Customer Satisfaction, Marketing Research, Business Research and Marketing Communication.

Outsource2india’s Statistical Expertise

  • Research Study Design, research project monitoring, evaluation, and reporting.
  • Statistical data management
  • Analytical tools we use: SAS, SPSS, R, and MS Excel
  • Univariate statistical techniques
  • Multivariate statistical techniques such factor, cluster, discriminant
  • Regression techniques - linear, as well as non-linear
  • Advanced data analysis techniques such as conjoint, MDS, correspondence, survival techniques etc.
  • Data mining, neural network and modeling techniques
  • Well versed with popular statistical software such as SPSS
  • Well versed with popular data mining software such as SPSS Clementine, Answer Tree, Statistica Neuralnetwork
  • Interfacing high-end and other software applications such as database, spreadsheet, Internet etc. with SPSS
  • Contribution articles to SPSS India Inc ( Bangalore )
  • Mentoring (responding online queries) for SPSS India

Our specialists along with being highly qualified degree holders from premium institutes have formidable years of industry experience. Their in-depth knowledge has lead them to gain a number of years of teaching experience in institutes of national and international acclaim. Our multi-faceted personnel have multiple publications to their credit as well, authored textbooks, edited books, published research papers, developed course material and have delivered lectures. They have acquired professional membership in councils and associations that support their cause.

Our Market Research Data Analysis Team:

Please contact Outsource2india here with your outsourcing requirements.

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