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Convert Scanned Spreadsheets/PDF into Excel Format

Spreadsheet to Excel Conversion

Optical Character Recognition comes in as an intelligent solution for text intensive images that require conversion into editable formats. OCR brings solution to text/spreadsheet conversion and image to excel conversion limitations.

If you are someone who wants to know how to convert spreadsheets into excel format, here are some options you can choose from.

  1. Web Based and Desktop Based Excel OCR Converter Software

    Some of most simple and quick options for OCR conversions are available online; you can find online conversion tools for free if you are not looking for professional quality. Then there are paid services as well that convert uploaded PDF files into excel spreadsheet outputs ensuring great quality.

    You may also download freeware converter applications onto your computer. These applications provide you with the options for bulk conversion as well as support various languages. Some of the sophisticated versions are available online on payment basis.

    Here are some options you might want to explore - Cogniview's PDF2XL, Blue Label Soft's PDF to Excel Converter 2.4, Nitro's PDF to Excel Online. Your decision and choice of software or services may depend on the level of accuracy, time at your disposal and volume of OCR scanning and OCR conversion that you want to achieve.

    (Note: Use any popular software to Deskew the images before sending it for OCR)

  2. Covert PDF Files into Excel with Adobe Acrobat

    One of the easiest methods to import data from spreadsheets into excel is by using Adobe Acrobat. All you need to do is make your PDF files OCR recognizable. Then choose the option OCR Text Recognition, once that is chosen, you can simply save the file as tables in Excel.

  3. Programming for Scan to Excel OCR

    If you are a familiar with programming in VBA or Visual Basic, you could try writing a script that can run OCR document scanning and conversion. This will be a time consuming effort but worth giving a try if you are well versed in programming or if you are specific on particular features of image conversion.

  4. Manual Data Entry / Data Conversion from Scanned Images

    Manual data entry beats almost every other service when we talk about accuracy. You can avail OCR conversion and data entry services from various offshore service providers at low cost. Issues that may arise during software and technology based conversions such as poor image quality or non-recognizable fonts can be entirely offset with manual data entry. Since conversion is a result of human effort and involves multiple levels of checking, you can be assured of high accuracy.

40% Cost Reduction
8-24 Hrs Faster Turnaround
500+ Satisfied Clients
350+ Skilled Data
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Give Our OCR Scanning Services a Try

Based in Bangalore, the outsourcing hub of India, Outsource2india offers wide range of data conversion solutions and Optical Character Recognition Services that can help you convert your important data into a more readable format, and capture information from old scannable documents, forms, images, etc. and preserve them for a later use.

Outsource OCR conversion services to Outsource2india and get high quality conversions and complete value for your bucks!

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