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Audio Transcription for Scientific & Educational Research Within Short Turnaround

Case Study on Audio Transcription Services

An individual in a global organizational network needed professional assistance with audio transcription for scientific and educational purposes. They approached Outsource2india to handle this requirement in a cost-effective and time-efficient manner.

The Client

The client was an individual member of a global network of networks. This organization facilitates self-organized local chapters that enhance shared-value collaborations among different generations working towards similar goals through related means. The individual was conducting PhD research related to the betterment of society, and how it could be facilitated through investment in young leaders. Our client required:

  • Transcription of extensive audio on the topic within seven days
  • Accurate transcription for use in PhD level educational and scientific research
  • A cost-effective and experienced team of professionals to carry out this activity


During the course of working on the project with the client, Outsource2india faced some specific challenges. These included:

  • Short timeframe - The client wanted the delivery of the final transcripts in just 7 days. This proved to be a challenge, as the team at Outsource2india had to transcribe as well as QC the files with the given timeframe to ensure that the transcripts are accurate and error-free
  • Audio files with some issues - The files contained interviews between the client and number of interviewees. These audio files were often low in quality, leading to several segments with inaudible voices and unclear phrases that still needed to be transcribed accurately
  • Corruption in the initial audio files provided by the client - The audio files that the team at Outsource2india received initially, were corrupted. This affected two of the audio files and created a delay in starting on the entirety of the project

The Solution

To overcome the challenges faced during the course of the project, the team took the following steps:

  • Four transcriptionists were assigned exclusively to the project to ensure it would be completed on time
  • Upon commencement, a trial was provided to the client to ensure the quality would meet their needs. The client was fully satisfied with the trial's result and gave approval to proceed with the full project once this was readied
  • The team carefully reviewed each audio file and provided feedback to the client immediately. This feedback contained details about the corrupted files and the parts in which some voices could not be heard properly

The Results

At the end of the project, the Outsource2india team was able to successfully complete the objectives provided by the client in a timely fashion. This included:

  • Achievement of 95% accuracy in the transcription, meeting the client's benchmark despite the segments of audio that were corrupted or at times inaudible
  • Completion of the project in 7 days, all within a cost-efficient manner to meet both the budget and timeline of the client
  • Meeting the specific needs of the client to proceed with her research as originally intended without any further delays
  • A highly satisfied client who indicated she would gladly recommend the service to her colleagues if they needed such transcription in the future

If you are interested in learning more about audio transcription services from Outsource2india, contact us today and ask to speak with one of our service specialists about options for your project.

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