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Created Customized Solar Energy Plans for Solar Power Contractor in America

Case Study on Creation of Custom Solar Energy Plans

A solar power solution provider from the US offers its customers accurate and customized solar energy solutions. The client chose to work with Outsource2india to get help in analyzing the data and collating it together based on various site parameters using HelioScope.

The Client

The client is a major solar power contractor in Central Florida, USA, offering low-cost energy solutions. With a highly focused and customized software solution that analyzes data captured from the location, determining constraints and attributes of homes based on their output needs of a specific area, designing a system to maximize renewable solar power energy generation becomes simpler. After collating the data, the client presents a complete design with specifications taking into consideration the power output data recorded and the final quote presented to customers to promote solar power solutions among residences and complexes. The client chose to work with Outsource2india to help analyze the data and collate it together based on various parameters.

Requirements and Challenges

The client uses HelioScope - advanced solar design software that helps collate relevant details for tapping and maximizing solar energy. Supported by Google Earth and importing its 3D layout, HelioScope generates a set of inputs including costing and shading analysis. Outsource2india had to analyze and document the details for the client to sell efficient, renewable power generation solutions that are customized to match customer usage and also for them to take informed decisions.

Some of the challenges faced by Outsource2India were working on HelioScope software, working around the limitations of Google maps on the classification of roofs, identifying obstacles hindering power generation and identifying houses and mapping them together.

Outsource2india's Solution

The first task was to understand the scope and the work of HelioScope - solar design software that helps find the level of energy that can be generated by keeping solar panels on that roof. It required Outsource2india to clearly analyze the images generated through Google Earth and define not just dimensions but also areas which can be used to generate solar energy. Images required importing into 3D form to clearly earmark areas that are shadow and obstacle prune. After this HelioScope generates shading analysis, helps design solar panel structure on the desired area based on these inputs along with costing and other details.

The Benefits

The client benefits were aplenty, where manpower and time was saved and had the advantage of solar power solutions based on customer homes was simpler.

It was also a strategic boost for business with a detailed database of solar power installations and customized solutions ready for installation when the need arose.

Starting off with 12 files per hour we scaled up to 17 files per hour, and this being a relatively new field Outsource2india mastered the process and today signed up with various clients to offer solutions in solar power installation industry.

If you have any queries regarding this case study or have similar or unique requirements, feel free to get in touch with us.

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Important Note: For all CNC Services: You are required to provide accurate details of the shop floor, tool setup, machine availability and control systems. We base our calculations and drawings based on this input.

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