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Outsource Comprehensive Logistics Support Services

Responding to the increasingly complex requirements of international trade, the logistics industry has had to move away from traditional processes to electronic capabilities. The creation and transmission of detailed and critical shipment documentation to multiple parties and the long freight payment processing cycle were considered to be unavoidable delays in the entire Logistics Management cycle.

However the introduction of web based applications and e-commerce initiatives have greatly reduced these bottlenecks and resulted into dynamic logistics support services that meets customer needs at quick turnaround.

Outsource2india offers logistics support services to companies, 3PL Logistics Providers (Third Party Logistics) and 3 PP Providers (Third Party Payment). Our logistics support services include Bill of Lading Generation, Freight Payment Processing, Freight Payment Pre-Audit Services and Freight Payment Post-Audit Services.

Bill Of Lading (BOL) Generation

Bill of Lading or BOL (BL), as it is commonly referred to, is a crucial document between the parties concerned in a shipment which serves as a document of title, a contract of carriage and a receipt for goods consigned.

In recent times, the traditional paper BOL has given way to a powerful system of generating electronic Bills of Lading (e-BOL). Electronic BOLs (e-BLs) allow logistics companies to generate, review, modify, transmit and print secure encrypted BOLs online.

Outsource2india provides back-end support to transportation companies, logistics providers and exporters helping them to generate electronic Bills of Lading (BOL) on their shipments. O2I's electronic BOL generation services ensure substantial savings on paperwork and processing time while helping logistics companies to realize enhanced productivity, quicker financial settlements and speedier freight documentation.

Contact Outsource2india for prompt delivery of e-BOLs to consignees even before your shipment sets sail.

Freight Payment Processing Services

Outsource2india offers Freight Bill Processing Services to 3PLs and 3PPs (Third Party Logistics Providers and Third Party Payment Providers), transportation companies and exporters to help them deal with large volumes of freight bills.

Logistics companies spend a lot of their time on processing and paying up freight bills raised by carriers. Outsource2india's expert team reviews each of your invoices, audits, processes and approves these bills. If included as part of the outsourcing contract, we also make final disbursements on your invoices through Electronic Funds Transfer.

Outsource Freight Payment Processing to O2I and save substantially on your bill processing time and costs. Eliminate instances of duplicate bills, overcharges and claim disputes, reduce your administrative costs and shorten processing cycles by availing O2I's Freight Bills Processing Services.

Freight Payment Pre-audit Services

Large logistics providers deal with high volumes of freight bills issued by multiple carriers. Inaccurate billing, errors in rates and critical data etc are common, particularly because of long processing cycles and frequent changes in freight and exchange rates.

Outsource2india's skilled and professional Pre-Audit Services does a transaction level review of each freight invoice, comparing it against the BOL, negotiated rates and other relevant shipment documentation. Errors in billing are highlighted, re-checked and brought to the notice of the carrier.

O2I's Audit Services also helps companies to make comparisons on the rates and total billing of different carriers. This enables informed choices and carrier level comparisons on which carrier is more cost-effective and profitable.

Outsource your Pre-Audit Services to O2I and eliminate over-billing. Save time lost in dispute and rectification of inaccurate bills by outsourcing to us.

Freight Payment Post-audit Services

Outsource2india's competent and thorough Freight Payment Post-Audit Services addresses the need of 3PL logistics providers for checking errors in payments that have already been made to carriers. We ensure that all instances of over billing are brought to the notice of carriers and errors rectified.

O2I's Post Audit Services involve in-depth review of each carrier invoice already paid. Negotiated contract rates, classifications, discounts and other price-related issues are scrutinized. If any discrepancies come to light, we file valid overcharge claims to the concerned carrier and support it with relevant documentation.

Partner with Outsource2india for comprehensive Logistics Support Services

If you are a 3PL logistics provider, transportation company, freight forwarder or global logistics firm, you can improve the productivity of your staff and focus on your core business while O2I takes care of your logistics support services and payment processing needs.

Read our article which explains the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and what effect the renegotiation will have on trade in the United States.

Contact us here with your logistics support services requirements and our Customer Engagement Team will get in touch with you shortly.

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