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Performance Marketing Services

Outsource Performance Marketing Services

Get access to advertising and marketing strategies based on data to deliver desired results and ensure high ROI at prices starting at $15/hour

The digital world is driven by businesses looking to push relevant and meaningful content to engage their existing as well as potential customers. In the quest to find the right set of audiences without any direct connection, data and performance become the biggest indicators for businesses. Performance marketing secures one of the top spots in digital marketing services. In the digital age, where there are cut-throat competition and an influx of information available to clients, performance-based data-driven advertising makes more sense than ever. Performance marketing is an umbrella term for various kinds of paid advertising and brand marketing strategies combined to drive more traffic to websites and social media channels to enable intended action from customers. Get top-quality performance marketing solutions at reasonable rates by Outsource2india (O2I).

As a highly experienced digital marketing and performance-based marketing agency, Outsource2india has been catering to clients from more than 30 different fields, including fashion, real estate, travel, hospitality, jewelry, etc., in more than 80 cities around the world and helping them achieve their growth goals with the right set of technologies and tools. We carefully analyze your presence and come up with a comprehensive plan, encapsulating strategies across all digital channels, to drive data-backed advertising that performs. Get started with us today and achieve a higher ROI on your digital expenditure.

Our Performance Marketing Services

Outsource2india offers a full suite of performance marketing solutions that can be clubbed together for better ROI optimization or can be availed individually. Our performance marketing services include -

  • Paid Advertising

    Paid Advertising

    All the web and social channels offer paid advertising options to businesses, but it requires high expertise and extensive knowledge to understand the right platforms for your type of business. The popular digital channels to carry out paid advertising campaigns include Google AdWords, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Snapchat, etc. Our team finds the right mix of digital channels relevant to your market type and creates robust strategies and marketing plans based on customer data and analytics. Paid advertising can be further classified in the following forms -

    • Search Engine Marketing - We help find and make the right keywords to bid on and enable paid advertisement of search engine channels like Google and Bing that are relevant to your business type and appear alongside customer search queries.
    • Social Media Advertising - Creating sponsored content on social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, is not as easy as it seems. It requires careful analysis of data and a deep understanding of your users' personas to effectively reach, influence, and convert followers into customers. We set multiple ad campaigns to target each type of target group to maximize ROI and enable a better understanding of data and audience.
    • Native advertising - Native advertising is a disguised form of paid advertising for social media. Under this, we partner with other platforms or publishers to create meaningful content in natural form with a call-to-action towards your product/service without interrupting the whole user experience of the content they are watching or listening to. Native advertising mostly works on a pay-per-click (PPC) basis and is more of an indirect form of paid ads with a better engagement rate.
  • Search Engine Optimization

    Search Engine Optimization

    Ranking your content on search engines like Google can do wonders to drive traffic to your website and this is exactly what we intend to do by optimizing your website, landing pages, and content. Using tools like SEMrush, we find out the keywords with the most search volume relevant to your products/services, create content around it, and optimize the content to rank your websites better on Google pages.

    We not only provide on-site and off-site SEO but also localized SEO which has accounted for 900% growth in driving local traffic to physical stores or online ordering in recent years. Under localized SEO, we optimize your website/landing pages to search queries around your area, region, or locality.

  • Email Marketing

    Email Marketing

    Email marketing, undoubtedly, remains one of the most effective ways to connect with your clientele and build lasting relationships with them. However, spamming your customers can drive your customers away instead of engaging them and so, there's a great need for a thorough and deep understanding of email marketing to actually drive meaningful engagement and ultimately brand loyalty.

    Our team leverages personalized email marketing tactics to engage your target customers and drive them to your intended actions. Under email marketing, we also help you create valuable loyalty programs that drive greater sales and more affiliations in the long run.

  • Content Marketing

    Content Marketing

    Content is king and no one can deny this. The right content can make your business and the wrong one can create havoc for your brand reputation. We have a vast team of content writers, copywriters, content creators, art directors, and other specialists to help you create written and visual content that creates value for your customer and enables them to engage with your business in a more personalized manner. Whether it is paid advertising, email marketing, or social media promotions, content is an integral part of each of them and we make sure to deliver only the best and the most relevant content that matters.

  • Influencer Marketing

    Influencer Marketing

    A trending performance marketing tactic, influencer marketing is one important part of affiliate marketing too. Under this, we help you identify the most popular and reliable social media influencers or celebrities to push your products/services through brand endorsements and brand-integrated content. These influencers have a wider reach and loyalty amongst their followers and when they endorse your product/service, it drives greater traffic and sales to your website and digital channels. We also create special URL links and discount/sales codes to track the conversions from influencer marketing to analyze performance and ROI to streamline future influencer affiliations.

  • CRM Services

    CRM Services

    Understanding your users and customers is an inherent part of performance marketing. To enable this, we extend superlative customer relationship management services that involve effective management of customer requests by leveraging a suite of advanced tools for analysis of customer trends and behaviors.

Our Performance Marketing Process

When it comes to delivering desired results within set timelines, we come forth as one of the most reliable and trusted outsourcing partners with a highly effective delivery process. Below are the stages we broadly work in, yielding excellent output with quick turnarounds, each time.


01. Conversations and Brainstorming Sessions

Marketing is as much about the customer as it is about the business. We take our time to sit and have long conversations with our clients where we brainstorm ideas, understand their expectations, chalk out a broad framework, and identify the key performance metrics.


02. Assessing the Environment

We carefully review the market, undertake SWOT and competitor analysis, establish the key digital channels for marketing, and set KPIs.


03. Setting the Campaign

We create a comprehensive roadmap encompassing the tools, technologies, platforms, advertising tactics, etc., to be leveraged to reach the business objectives.


04. Executing the Plan

In this stage, we finally implement the campaign and run the advertisements and other promotions as per the plan.


05. Continuous Analysis and Optimization

Our dedicated analytics team continuously tracks and analyzes campaign performance and collects meaningful data for quick optimization of the campaigns.

Other Services You Can Benefit From

Why Choose O2I as Your Performance Marketing Service Provider

Partnering with us comes with a lot of benefits for your company and team. Here are some major advantages you get when you hire us as your performance marketing services providing company -

  • Reasonable Pricing

    We make for a stellar combination of the best quality services at affordable prices. We offer pocket-friendly packages with the scope of customization to suit your unique needs and budgets.

  • Superlative Safety Standards

    We are very strict with our data security policies and ensure your data is kept safe by levying all necessary and standardized safety systems in place.

  • Outstanding Team of Digital Marketers

    Our vast team of 300+ globally spread professionals include qualified and trained social media managers, content creators, copywriters, paid campaign specialists, performance analysts, graphic designers, video editors, and other experts who are dedicated to accelerating your business growth through committed efforts and expertise.

  • Trusted and Expert Partner

    Apart from being an ISO-certified company, we are a Facebook Marketing Partner and a Premier Google Partner making us one of the most reliable and high-performance companies to outsource all your digital marketing requirements.

  • Advanced Infrastructure Facilities

    Our offices are equipped with best-in-class hardware, software, and physical infrastructure facilities to enable our team to give their 100% to their work.

  • High and Measurable ROI

    As a specialized performance-based marketing agency, we ensure a high ROI. We compile and submit regular performance reports for you to track your ROI.

Client Success Stories

O2I Provided e-Commerce Website for a Socks Manufacturer

e-Commerce Website for a Socks Manufacturer

A leading socks manufacturer was looking for a reliable website designer and developer. Our team provided the services within a quick turnaround time.

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Case Study on Video Editing App for iPhone and Android

O2I Created a Powerful and Feature-rich Video Editing App for Android & iOS

We developed a custom video editing app with many features for Android and iOS for a well-known app distributor.

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Work with a passionate team of digital marketers and enable higher ROI on your marketing expenditure with performance marketing solutions that deliver results. At O2I, we provide you with a comprehensive stack of performance marketing tools, technologies, and expertise to fulfill your sales targets and marketing objectives with data-driven strategies. Accelerate your business growth and drive more revenues by partnering with us.

Get in touch with our experts today to get started.

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